q & a

 1. Could you please introduce yourself briefly?

My name is Marni Zainodin. Illustrator base in Cameron Highlands, Pahang DM.

2.What subjects do you mainly like to illustrate?

Most of my illustration are botanical theme, often with history or cultural refference.


3.What materials and tools do you prefer to use for your artwork? 

My go to medium often sketchbook, paper, ink and watercolour

4.Why did you choose to draw local plants?

Malaysia are richness in bio- diversity flora and fauna heritage. Most all the living fossil are beautiful and intrigue in its own history connected to it.

5.What local plants have you illustrate?

Illustration made for postcard  - 

Botanical  cultural 1. Pea flower 2. Bunga cempaka 3. Jasmine 4. Bunga kantan

Wild Flora 1. Periuk kera 2. Slippers Orchid 3. Bamboo Orchid  4. Wild flower

Among these plants, which one is your favorite? Why?

Most all the botanical are among my favorite. I do love sketch more than illustrate.




 6. Do you have any special inspiration or stories from your painting process that you can share?

 Theres pantun i love the most that often inspired and everytime i do my artwork  i remember this lines

 Jadilah benih yang bernas 

Seribu tahun di jemur panas,

Di getus di getas binatang buas,

tetap tumbuh bercetus tunas.



 7..What message do you hope to convey to your audience through you illustration?

Take good care of  our natural enviroment, our flora and fauna heritage - bio diversity. Learn well and deeply about our own living fossil,  history, cultural or religion thru these plants.

We only have one planet earth.


